2011 m. gegužės 31 d.
Organizatorius: asociacija „Baltijos slėnis“.
Pranešėjas – prof. Timothy G. Bromage, Niujorko universitetas
Jūros mokslų ir švietimo forumas – viena iš veiklų įgyvendinant projektą „Asociacijos „Baltijos slėnis“ veiklos stiprinimas (BALTIJA)“. Forumo tikslas – skatinti tarpdisciplininį bendradarbiavimą, skleisti mokslo žinias visuomenei ir stiprinti socialinius ryšius su Klaipėdos miesto ir regiono bendruomenėmis. Forumo paskaitose laukiami ne tik mokslininkai, dėstytojai, tyrėjai, studentai, bet ir visuomenės atstovai bei visi, neabejingi jūros problemoms.
Timothy G. Bromage – a professor of Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics at New York University College of Dentistry. Timothy Bromage has been a professor at New York University College of Dentistry since 2004. One of his research interests is located in Malawi, where he examines the structure of bones and teeth to draw inferences on the living conditions of early humans. Findings on the micro level, which only a few researchers have investigated so far, are proving particularly enlightening. Bromage hopes to use them to discover the answers to difficult questions such as whether bones and teeth belonged to a male or female individual and whether there was more than one annual rainy season at the time. In the course of his research, he discovered a new mechanism which uses the lamellar construction of bones as the basis for drawing conclusions on growth rate and individual life history. He has been honoured for his academic achievements by the National Science Foundation (2009, 2007), the National Geographic Society (2008) and the National Institute of Health.
Professor Timothy Bromage – a director of the Department’s Hard Tissue Research Unit, has been presented with the 2010 Max Planck Research Award for his accomplishments in the human evolutionary sciences in general and specifically for his recent discovery of a long-period biological rhythm controlling bone and body size and mammalian life history. The prize, widely considered the “Nobel Prize for Life Science,” is the highest international honor bestowed in the natural sciences and is accompanied by a monetary award equivalent to about $1 million.
Research Interests:
Mineralized tissue biology with emphasis on its translation to environmental and evolutionary studies
- Microanatomical correlates of bone biomechanics
- Skeletal adaptation to microgravity
- Enamel and bone growth rate variability with respect to environmental perturbations
- Skeletal development, aging, and organismal life history
- Human evolutionary biology and Plio-Pleistocene field research
- Integration of graphic and heuristic elements in the digital photomicrography of bone and tooth microanatomy.